ok. yutse wants me to post and
blogged more about the POP presents
and upload a pixelated photo of it
but i couldnt pixelate it and i thought this would be cooler:

hehe. smudging is so fun.
anybody can guess its contents? XP
that thursday is so cool.
after sch went for shooting training
and then after dismissal at tamp mrt,
me n yutse went to tm to buy the wrapping materials
while waiting for the mad woman, stef, to return home
from wdv soccer trng cum orchard shopping? =O
i learnt a few different techniques of wrapping! =D
but wl eh. wrapping present is so mafan la.
luckily i oni wrapped a few ppl's like zj, wilson etc
and attempted to save a few from
the holy yutse's madness like karmen's present.
most of the time i would be cutting and
pasting scotchtape all over the macs table.
yutse was like going to 投胎
rushing to wrap all before the dessert auntie close shop
so that we could return her scissors =O
and stef after taking a cab home from orchard whch bombed her $20+~
would be running all over siglap centre to borrow scissors,
"why would a dessert stall need scissors?"
buy wrapping paper, buying, learning and making ribbons,
and asking us if we wants drinks/fries/food etc o.o
"you two wants some choco babies?"
gosh. my sqd is full of siao geenas.
ok. so the wrapping process lasted for around 1 half hour
after stef lugged our presents from her house to macs
and our wrapping finale would be a horsey pencil case muaahhaha!
and we managed to return the auntie her scissors
"ooo i thought you forgot~"
lol so retarded. then we took some photos
and had a talk! =O hmmm..
ohman 3 mad ppl what can we talk about?
pop? atc? year 3s? year 2s? year 1s? mr hia?
muahahha. actually nth much so we went home
shortly after sitting there for around 10 mins.
and stef had to lugged ur wrapped presents home agn!
LOL. sorry and ty stef for helping us safe keep. XP
woo! reached home very late. 10+ close to 11 pm
luckily tml is youth day cum mr hia's birthday celebration
no lessons if nt sure cham. haha
happy belated birthday mr hia! XP
"im born in the year of rat. 过街老鼠 人人喊打"
wahahha. omg i posted so many cool quotes.
k enough. byebye