----- eugen ta ji ha ----- XD
Monday, April 30, 2007
omg. my forth finger of my right hand is swollen!
just like sandra's thumb last time!
omg. painpainpain...
vball is fun. but hazardous as well.
oooo. im posting this at home while the rest are like
seating in the smelly LT having some movie marathon
of some lame movies like [high sch musical] n [initial d]?
haha. so eww. hmm. its labour day tml..
shud i go for 2a '06 cls gathering?
Friday, April 27, 2007
i went for speech day today! [im so proud of myself]
reach sch at abt 11am to PLAY volleyball.
lol. mad-ness..
after tt, went to eat at GM market,
where many things happen..
then went back to sch for the parade.
changed into first u..
which i tink it's absolutely uneccesary for ME
after today, i concluded that smarterchild is very smart.
and weather forecast are worth listening to..
wet weather program today,
with me and some other sqdmates as reserve.
omg. we are total SLACKER. lol
we stood there n practically did nth..
the best ting is, throughout the whole parade,
it doesnt rain at all, its just that the sky is abit dark
but after the parade, when we were abt to dismiss,
it started pouring like dno wad shit..
then went to suntec city after dismissal wif gj ys n wc
to find some ppl..
ate macdonalds there..
and was zi-highing throughout the whole dinner..
ahhh.. lame day
Thursday, April 26, 2007
gt back some tests recently.
chn physics n blah.
the results are like..
esp for the chn. omg.
wads rong wif the ALMIGHTY chinaman?
Saturday, April 21, 2007
today is a day of higly-emo-ness.
played vball n basketball at macpherson cc before
reporting at Macphrson Sec.
gt to see/know/hear more abt yr 1s,
and got hands-on on them! omg, sounds rong..
went to hta on a bus with other diff units.
so cool! gt to see familiar faces..
then when we reach, it was raining..
gt special "services". woo~ ^^
we gt a bottle of water, and a "hamburger?" for dinner..
hmmm.. the whole parade is basically drills,
commands, and some perfomances.
omg. dhsnpcc mass display is "CUTE "!
its like a whole lot of superman dancing.
wakakkaka. red orange green etc. [just like traffic light!]
Thursday, April 19, 2007
someting weird happen today,
on bus 7 on my way home..
and i conclude that singaporean really loves to stare..
i gt up the bus at kallng mrt wif this guy.
i was standing,
then he is sitting opposite me.
hmm. ok..
everything is fine at first. he happy i happy everybody happy.
then wtf. he started staring..
he stared at my handphone.. ["hmm...]
he stared at my wallet.. ["ok.."]
he stared at my bag.. ["err?"]
he stared at my shoe.. ["omg.."]
he stared at my sch badge.. ["wtf?"]
he stared at me.. ["fk off!"]
i stared back..
we were like eye to eye for abt 1 min or so..
then he said: "what?"
RARH. wtf..
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
omg. im gna vent out sth. rarh!
dear holy/sacred/almighty whoever,
if u wanna pass down any msgs,
plsplspls confirm with the TOs/ NCOs or whoever firs,
then put EVERYTHING in 1, i repeat 1,
whole peice of shit before passing it down.
omg. no wonder smses keep bao-ing..
smses are nt cheap can?
and its super irritating to receive sms after sms,
saying abt the same old shit ting..
Monday, April 16, 2007
Sunday, April 15, 2007
zzz. finished my 5 items like on mon this week.
all past! but nt wif FLYING COLOURS..
--> sit-ups: 43 (A)
--> shuttle run: 10.8 sec (nt sure [B or C])
--> sbj: 187 cm (E)
--> pull-ups: 27 (A)
--> sit and reach: 38 cm (nt sure [B or C])
haizz. saded. but at least i pass my SBJ!
i use to fail it last time. =]]
omg. 2.4km run tml. i scared!
plus my legs n thigh pain. oh man. how to run.
although i gt like the 4th in cls n a timing of
12.34min (thnx to cbl) for the MOCK 2.4km run,
i think im gna fail tml. im gna be the next ELTON GOH!
im gna get the 36th position. and go for a retake!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
went to sanpeng house to do our hcl 实事追击 or sth likdat.
while me n yd waited for the rest to arrive,
i went arnd simei mrt n took random pics. [below]
[toilets' below..] anw. dont u tink the woman looks kinda weird wif
tt dress/skirt/gown/whatever.. looks like a guy wif spare tyre..

then after what seems like eons, every1 arrived and we took off.
then we went inside a small n tiny [but yuhding says its comfortable] room
that sp booked until 6 pm.
throughout the whole 2 hrs or so. it was so C-R-A-P!
lol. some started singing. some started blasting musics etcetc.
but at least, theres something done =]]..
woohoo! went to watch "meet the robinsons"
after after eaing seoul garden ytd.
mrs ong recommended it! hahah
i found it quite interesting too =]]
with a "mad-scientist" hair, time machine, dinosaur, froggies, weird hats that looks like spider, meatball cannon, blahblah and blah. ahaha.

went to eat seoul garden wif sandra alisa joyc
cheryl "pmchua" and chanel after sports day ytd,
while my sqd went to eat sakae at bugis.
[heard that karmen vomited?]
cost abt $12.70 per person. and we ate for 2 n half hr. from arnd 3 to 5.30..
split into 2 diff tables. the "beefy" table and the "non-cancerous" table
of cos. me joyc n sandra belongs to the "beefy", and the rest the other..
quite fun.. but my side of the bbq pit is unreactive. rarh!
our "rubbish bin"
the "ewww" chicken..

CAUTION! cancerous.
eating beef like theres no more tml!
the worse ever ice-kachang i've ever seen..


board the 2nd aljunied bus and reached jurong stadium dam early.
even 20 mins earlier then the 1st aljunied bus.
was on duty for the first part of it.
[wif 6 ppl] refer to below post..
and packing of refreshments is very fun!
but i hate jurong stadium!
so fking hot. was perspiring throughout.
thnx TKS for sharing your umbrella!
omg. we are covalent bonds!
yea. nvm. haha.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
woohoo! vball is fun!
esp playing wif ppl tt noes how to play. XP
sports day refreshments duty tml.
wonder what would we 5 [or isit 6?],
me jingjie junjie melvin and ronghui [plus kenneth?],
will be doing..
haha. but tml will be fun!
get to see ex-classmates that i haven not seen for a very long time.
esp ppl like KEITH, YIPENG, BEIYING etcetc.
woo! so excited..
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Saturday, April 07, 2007

woohoo! today is so fun!
today, went ice skating wif liren yuting yanlin at first.
then sandra alisa and cheryl came later..
some muggers stay at home to accompany their physics txtbk..
omg. i 4gt to bring my socks..
no choice but to spend $2.50 buying another pair..
lol. ice-skating is fun, but tiring.
legs and feet suan v fast.
saw a no of interesting ppl in the ring.
no1) a girl who looks like sum1 studying in DHS
no2) a guy/g*y tt likes to STARE. O.O
no3) pros that skate arnd destroying the ice and scaring ppl..
no4) a guy that can skate very GRACEFULLY [with his eyes close?]..
after iceskating, went to eat PIZZA!
ordered: a) a personal hawaiian pizza. [which comes in a box!?]
b) a bowl of summer vege soup [its nice ok!?]
c) a cup of root beer float!
dam cool. haha.
then went home. =]]
OMG. im dam super tired nw..
[waited for half an hr!]
[joyc n sieweng PANGSEH us!]
[me n sandra gt cheated 45 cents!]
[joyc n sieweng say i colourblind!]
[we dont noe hw to do our ACE proposal!]
[sieweng went home w/o finishing!]
[bolong give crap suggestions and he think
he is more experience than the elderlies!]
[i ate a monster sweet!]
[joyc made us play TABOO wif her!]
[i lose terribly in mahjong!]
[joyc don1 go TMALL to eat!]
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
played awhile vball today.
solo-ed wif sandra and bolong today.
played 6 sets of 10 wif SC.
and we tied. 皆大欢喜.
bolong is wdh. say i give cheater ball. lol..
played a set of 10. [SETTING]
i won.
played another set of 10. [DIGGING]
bolong won.
n he insisted tt digging gt skills while setting dont have.
omg. maths test.
shant leak out too much details.
if nt ppl go complain agn. haha.
anw, i tink im SO nt gna do well AGAIN for this test.
RARH. i carn finish the paper!
and some qns i do halfway! omg.
[i gna drop to SAP and join jintao nex yr man]
wish me gd luck ppl.